Healthy recipes

Pão de batata doce com beterraba

Sweet potato and beetroot bread

Vegan functional bread

Sweet potato and beetroot bread

Vegan functional bread

Suco rosa de beterraba e laranja

Pink Beetroot and Orange Juice

Beetroot, red fruit and orange juice.

Pink Beetroot and Orange Juice

Beetroot, red fruit and orange juice.

Vitamina verde (sem couve)

Green smoothie (without kale)

Vitamin with chlorella - a boost of nutrients

Green smoothie (without kale)

Vitamin with chlorella - a boost of nutrients

Tofu rosa

Pink tofu

Great as a protein filling, can be eaten hot or cold.

Pink tofu

Great as a protein filling, can be eaten hot or cold.

Panqueca verde de chlorella

Green Chlorella Pancake

Versatile, high-protein and tasty pancake. Vegan, dairy-free and full of flavor!

Green Chlorella Pancake

Versatile, high-protein and tasty pancake. Vegan, dairy-free and full of flavor!

Tofu com cúrcuma

Tofu with turmeric

Turmeric tofu recipe. Great as a protein filling, can be eaten hot or cold.

Tofu with turmeric

Turmeric tofu recipe. Great as a protein filling, can be eaten hot or cold.